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June 4, 2017

Start-up style management

June 4, 2017

Start-up: an innovative, fertile and user-friendly management mode

Beyond the sector in which they evolve, age or size or even the place, is the way we work that characterizes the start-ups. An organization that stimulates innovation, strengthens team spirit and strengthens agility, allowing for maximum performance.
With a rather flat hierarchy, effective communication, innovative management techniques and open spaces, the startup model makes classic companies dream, which see it as an interesting method to motivate, improve collaboration of employees and regain their agility to improve their productivity.

A neat conviviality

If you say: Start-up!  There is a lot to bet that you are answered: Open space! Free foosball and coffee!  Far from considering that these are clichés, the start-ups make sure to cultivate this conviviality. To preserve this spirit, it is better to recruit people whose temperament is in line with the rest of the team. In some start-ups, hirings require the advice of the whole team: it takes between 3 and 8 interviews, individual, group, or in the form of a team lunch to integrate the company.

A permanent movement

The start-up spirit is also a constant flow, a diversity of projects and passionate teams.
Try new things, innovate, to always stay awake to be a pioneer in its field. Another sign of this permanent movement, decisions are made very quickly and mistakes are part of the learning process, success lies in the ability of everyone to learn from their mistakes and to grow with them.

Constant exchanges

The hierarchical structures of the start-ups are often reduced to two or three levels which promotes the speed of dissemination of information. However, this simple organisation alone is not enough to guarantee the involvement of all employees. Beyond twenty people, the team behind the adventure can dissolve. To keep their body spirit, the start-ups that grow up have their tricks, like for example, having all the teams, including the founders within the same open-space. The objective is to circulate the information well and to give a feeling of empowerment to the whole team.

A necessary collaboration!

Over the past few years, through incubators or accelerators, large companies have been trying to multiply interactions and collaborations with start-ups.
By the prism of these entrepreneurs and its intrapreneurs, the large groups seem to have found a way to not lose foot innovation side.

Historically, innovation was the preserve of R&D teams. But in the face of the ingenuity and creativity of the start-ups, new trends of thought advocate open innovation strategies, essentially based on cooperation between companies.

As evidence, the majority of CAC 40 groups have launched their own investment funds and incubators in order to finance innovative companies and thus avoid being "uberised".

cartoon caricature start-up

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-7812 size-full" src="../../../../wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Dessin-caricature-start-up.png" alt="dessin humoristique caricature start-up " width="768" height="776" srcset=" 768w, 297w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" />

The Happywashing, new mode of management start-up way

This concept is about promoting well-being at work through a suitable management. This results in better performance and therefore increased profitability. Managers are therefore trained to be able to promote well-being at work and thus achieve the expected productivity goals, all in good humour.
The goal is for employees to feel closer to the company and be more motivated, more involved. This has the effect of significantly reducing the rate of resignation and absenteeism.
In addition, integrating these actions of happywashing improves the performance of employees up to 30%.
It has also been proven that pressure is not synonymous with productivity and that it can sometimes even be detrimental to the performance of some, the latter can lose all their means in the face of stress. The practice of happywashing is therefore important to promote internal communication and the quality of life of all.

Drawing inspiration and motivation

<img class="aligncenter wp-image-7813 size-full" src="../../../../wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Dessin-inspiration.png" alt="Dessin inspiration et motivation" width="768" height="403" srcset=" 768w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" />

To conclude, management in start-up mode for a traditional company is equivalent to:

-Set up a horizontal hierarchical system,
-Promote transversality in the company
-Improve collaboration,
– Practice open and transparent communication,
-Install the intrapreneurship in its teams,
-Develop permanent adaptation,
– Working in optimum conditions (pleasant offices, open-space, conviviality...),
– Promote mobility and telework,
– Do not work in silos anymore.


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