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February 22, 2022

The beautiful story of our advertising (in the subway!)

February 22, 2022

Isahit get down in the metro! Discover the story behind our ad

Winners of the David with Goliath competition alongside our partner L'Oréal, we had the opportunity to broadcast an advertising campaign in the Parisian subways and train stations!

The objective?

To explain our activity to the general public!

The challenges?

The 10-second video format

The broadcast ?

7 days in the following stations

And regarding the content?

It was very important for us to involve our HITer community in the heart of the ad and illustrate concretely how clients projects impact the life of our HITers. Richida, a student in information systems management in the city of Accra, the capital of Ghana, lent herself to the game for the ad...

Richida, the illustration of isahit project

Richida joined isahit in april 2021 to finance her studies and her project: providing fresh fruits to students on her campus, who due to a busy schedule do not eat healthy.

What isahit brings to her ? 
  • New skills: "Isahit allows me to acquire skills in the training of artificial intelligence algorithms but also skills in management and in the mastery of computer tools such as Excel. Moreover, I have the chance to study in this field so it is a real opportunity to work on different projects! It allows me to apply concretely what I learn in my courses and thus to understand better.
  • An additional income to finance her studies and her project
  • Growing and learning in a caring community :" "Finally, working with isahit allows me to evolve in a benevolent and constructive environment where HITers help each other and share their experiences !"

"When I saw the final ad, I was super excited and happy to give visibility to the project, which I consider a hope and a real opportunity for women to make their life project come true."

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