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January 20, 2021

Social impact investment: Insurtech invests in isahit

January 20, 2021

Source: Mandalore Partners

19 January 2021, Paris

Press Release

On 6 January 2021, Insurtech Capital, a fund managed by Mandalore Partners, announced its first impact investment in isahit

  • Isahit is a socially responsible outsourcing platform based in France
  • This investment marks the start of a long-term strategic partnership to co-develop impact-driven projects, such as Impact Scoring-as-a-Service

The Business Process Outsourcing industry (BPO) is currently undergoing a positive transformation that could soon be adopted by other industries. BPO companies are implementing impact sourcing, an innovative hiring model that combines socially responsible hiring practices with an opportunity to engage untapped labour markets.

Impact sourcing, an increasingly prevalent practice, combined with key technology trends - Big Data and AI - can help to further scale investment practices with positive societal and environmental impact.

That is why Insurtech Capital, an investment vehicle managed by Mandalore Partnersannounced today an investment in isahit, a French company specializing in artificial intelligence augmented by human intelligence and data processing tasks.

Launched in 2017, isahit is an impact sourcing platform for digital projects. Isahit provides services around data management, pre-machine learning data set and moderation on social networks. This service is performed by young women and comes as an additional income for those women so they can achieve their life goals.

Isahit's ambition is to give work opportunities to talented people through acess to complementary revenue that can help these young women finance their studies, start an entrepreneurial project, acquire financial independence or simply improve their living conditions.

Isahit has more than 1,050 workers on its crowdsourcing platform, mainly women across 32 countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. Isahit's ambition is to establish a presence in 35 countries and to give work to 10,000 workers which will generate a social impact for 40,000 people within the next 4 to 5 years.

"Investment in isahit is more than an investment, it is the beginning of a strategic partnership, which will allow us to scale impact-driven projects in very important ways, as well as help us develop our impact scoring model and impact funds", says Managing Partner of Insurtech Capital, Minh Q. Tran.

"We are happy to partner with Mandalore Partners to foster impact and its scoring. We believe that this impact scoring is a key milestone for Tech for Good companies to show value and we are pleased to show the way with our model", adds Isabelle Masholla, founder of isahit.

#TechForGood #TechForPeople #AIForHumanity #ImpactSourcing #ImpactScoring #ImpactInvesting

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