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August 31, 2022

Are autonomous vehicles safer than human drivers?

August 31, 2022

What are autonomous vehicles

They are vehicles that drive themselves  from particular locations to already determined destinations with the use of sensors and little or no  human effort.

Features of autonomous vehicles

Automated vehicles have a number of features. They include the following:

Thermal camera

Thermal cameras distinguish between living and non-living beings with little use of infrared emissions. Thermal cameras work perfectly at night and in fog.

Inertial Measurement Unit 

It gives precise information on the current and starting location, as well as orientation of a vehicle. It requires no external information to function. Made up of accelerator and gyroscope. Accelerator text lineal measurements well gyroscope takes rotational acceleration measurements. 


They detect the object distance and speed in relation to the vehicle. Short range radars permit lane-keeping assistance and parking aids. Long range radars can execute automatic brakes and distance control assistance.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

It is a technology that enables vehicles to stay in their designated lanes or safely away from other vehicles. It provides the needed services for vehicle positioning and sensor integration.

The competitive edge of autonomous vehicles over manual vehicles

Traffic efficiency

The sensor calibration settings of automated vehicles keep them obeying traffic rules and maintaining efficient traffic. It is reported that 95% of motor accidents are caused by human error. Automated vehicles ensure that these arrows are cut down to a large extent.

Environmentally friendly

Fully autonomous vehicles would be run solely on electric power. This is going to rid the environment of emissions which go a long way to pollute the atmosphere.

Faster mode of transport

Due to its unique features such as the GPS system, automated vehicles are able to navigate traffic in a faster way compared to driving completely with human observations.

Disability friendly

It enables those with disabilities or physical challenges to drive around with less difficulty 

Limitations of autonomous vehicles

Cybersecurity risk

The dependence of automated vehicles on computers and technology make them more prone to cyberattacks and hackers who may direct the vehicles where they want rather than where it was meant to go.

Difficulty in determining faults

Causes of accidents will not be very clear, compared to a non-autonomous vehicle. It will be difficult to determine whether it was an error on the part of the manufacturer, the passenger or as a result of a mechanical failure.

Artificial Intelligence is not always accurate

While artificial intelligence models are trained to the most accurate level, they may sometimes miss what is happening in real life scenarios. A simple object flying in the sky, which may not be dangerous, might be mistaken by the model as something harmful and will cause the vehicle to stop unnecessarily.

Bad weather 

Automated vehicles rely on sensors to function. However, these sensors are sometimes unable to perfectly function in certain weather conditions.The sensors may receive the wrong signal and act accordingly, causing traffic confusions eventually.

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