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December 24, 2020

Newsletter - December 2020 - 2020 in isahit's retro, heading for 2021!

December 24, 2020

2020 in isahit's retro, heading for 2021! Isahit, Ethical Data Labeling Platform for AI & Data Processing

Newsletter December 2020

Read this news in English

As difficult and trying as this year 2020 was for all of us, it was nonetheless instructive. The digital and digital transition of our societies has emerged as an undeniable factor of resilience. The economic, social and environmental responsibility of companies is no longer an option but a condition for their success. Seeds of hope that confirm isahit in the mission it has given itself and that commit us to go further, tomorrow.

A strong business model

The covid crisis has and continues to have a significant impact on companies. While whole sections of the economy have been at a standstill, others have been able to continue their activity, in a slightly different way, notably through teleworking. Those who had already begun their digital transition, properly equipped and trained their teams to telework, have been more resilient than others. At isahit, these working methods are an integral part of our business model and our DNA. This is how we were able to maintain a high level of service for our clients throughout the crisis, while providing our clients with a source of income without having to leave their homes.

Newsletter isahit : Covid19, confined but not sunk!

🗺️ New Horizons

Aware of the importance of speeding up their digital transition, companies are increasingly demanding more and more in terms of the security of outsourcing the processing of their data. In response to these concerns, isahit launched a new Data Residency offer in 2020. This gives them the assurance that their data is not only hosted, but also operated and processed in the same country. This is an additional security vector for our customers, with the same concern for social responsibility that is our trademark.

Newsletter isahit : Data Residency, when outsourcing goes local

Tech for people

Yes, in order to be accepted, understood and inclusive, technology must be on a human scale and have a concrete impact on people's lives. With this conviction in mind, we believe that digital training will be one of the major challenges of the coming years. It is a subject that we have worked hard on in 2020 and which is beginning to bear fruit in the feedback from our clients.

Tribune (Les Echos): Manifesto for a technology on a human scaleby Isabelle Mashola, CEO of isahit

The alliance between digital technology and collective intelligence is more than ever the winning ticket in the world that is about to unfold.

A multiplied impact on our community

Each year, isahit has its work with its community of female hostages evaluated by the independent firm Kimso. The 2020 report marks several significant advances, particularly in terms of qualitative criteria:

Skills and training: Half of the women who received two payments acquired between 6 and 12 skills on isahit. This does not include soft skills such as learning the codes of the world of work, productivity gains or the ability to work in a team.

  • Satisfaction: 89% of the women are satisfied (54% very satisfied) with their work on isahit and 88% recommend it to those around them.
  • Economic Empowerment: 61% of the women who are isahit say they are saving more thanks to isahit and feel they are earning more money.
  • Community: 75% regularly exchange with each other, creating a real network of mutual aid and emulation.
  • Springboard: 75% of the women leave the platform in a positive way with resuming studies, employment or starting an entrepreneurial project.

Thanks to our community!

🚀 Heading for 2021!  

All of this encourages us to continue along the path we have set ourselves and even to accelerate more and more technological innovations for the benefit of social impact. Among the projects that will structure this year 2021 :

  • an increase in the salaries of our female employees, accompanied by the introduction of a new, fairer and more inclusive job allocation system, which will enable each of them to acquire new skills.
  • a dive into the promises of DeepTech to explore the creation of new tools that make our clients' work easier while significantly improving the quality and validity of their data.
  • and the pursuit of our international development, but also in France, because the impact knows no borders!


The whole isahit team wishes you a happy holiday season and a very happy new year 2021! Take care of yourself.

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