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November 18, 2019

An example of a company of the future with isahit and its business model

November 18, 2019

An example of a company of the future with isahit and its business model

Smarter, more collaborative, better adapted to customers... The company of the future promises to take advantage of the best technologies to build the world of tomorrow. And to prepare for this, start-ups are already offering innovative solutions. Overview of one of the major issues for the future identified by the TOMORROW project of Bpifrance the world of work.

By 2022, technology will create 133 million new jobs and destroy 75 million existing ones. These figures from the World Economic Forum challenge the preconceived idea that robots will replace humans and put us into forced unemployment. Nevertheless, it is clear that the future of work is nothing like what we know today. A new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms is being built today as technology advances. "The company of the future is the symbiosis between these technologies and the human component", predicted Alban Guyot, General Manager of the Future Enterprise Congress. Let's look in detail at what to expect in tomorrow's open spaces.

Guillaume Lagagne

More intelligent

No doubt: artificial intelligence will be at the heart of the company of the future. From speech recognition to conversational agents and home automation, AI is available in a multitude of concrete uses that are already being introduced in almost all sectors and professions. AI is the promise to improve its competitiveness by optimizing technical and human resources. And if there is one sector in which AI is welcomed with open arms, it is the industry. The concept of industry 4.0 was created in 2011at the Hanover Fair. It refers to the factory of the future in which all machines and products communicate digitally with each other via the Internet of Things.

Let us quote, jumbled together, the new technologies applicable in the industrial sector: augmented reality, the3D printing - or additive manufacture-, predictive maintenance or digital mock-up. This fourth industrial revolution - after mechanization, industrialization and automation - is not just about the digital transformation of industrial equipment. It must provide customized goods at mass production costs to meet new consumer expectations.

After Germany, France has adopted a national programme in 2015 "industry of the future" to close the gap in terms of equipment and integration of digital technologies. A sign of recognition for France: at the beginning of July, the Renault-Cléon plant was the first French automotive industrial site industry 4.0 certified. Startups are being created to equip the factory of tomorrow. Some are working on optimizing the supply chain (such as Vekia), predictive maintenance (Admiral Technologies), industrial safety (Arcure), logistics (Everoad) or quality control processes (Scortex).

More personalized

"Those who master data will create the industries of the future", summarizes Alex Rossformer Obama's innovation adviser. As the earth was the raw material of the agrarian age, iron the raw material of the industrial age, data feeds the information age: 90% of the world's digital data have been produced in the last two years! As the industrial sector has well understood, we as consumers aspire to feel unique. Gone are the days of mass consumption, relegated to the Glorious Thirties, the 21st century is the time of the individualization of demand - and therefore of supply.

More than ever, companies can rely on big data and the information it conveys to know their customers' expectations and even to anticipate them. This paradigm shift in demand is accompanied by a shift towards a data-driven organization mode: knowing how to collect, analyze and use data to optimize decisions and operations. A whole category of new professions is gradually emerging in the data-driven company: Chief Data Officer, Data scientist, Big Data engineer, Data protection officer, data miner... And on the side of start-ups, young French companies have specialized in data exploitation (Dataiku) or in the storage and intelligent distribution of data dedicated to AI use (Scality) at the service of companies.

More collaborative

Digital technology is a new feature in the vertical and hierarchical organization of the professional world. Rapid technological changes, the constant need to innovate and monitor uses have an impact on working methods. From now on, the company must be agile. Many are adopting new organizational modes called "project", where a resource is no longer assigned to a department but to a mission.

"The average lifespan of a competency has fallen from 30 years in the 1980s to less than 5 years today, Philippe Burger Point, partner in charge of Human Capital at Deloitte. In addition to the need for continuous training, the disintermediation that digital technology allows opens the door to a diversity of statuses within the company: employees, temporary workers, selfemployed workers, outsourced services, etc. Companies are increasingly relying on external people - in 2027, it is estimated that the majority of American workers will be freelancers - giving birth to the network company. Armand Hatchuel, Professor of Management Sciences at Mines ParisTech, esteem that "collective and transversal creation" will be central to the company.

The growing importance of technologies can also be used to refocus management on people by automating tasks with low human value added, as suggested by the Harvard Business Review. In the company of tomorrow, the technological revolution is accompanying social responsibility and the quest for meaning of a new generation of workers. This is reflected in the platform Isahitwinner of the Deauville Green Awards 2018 for the Bpifrance Special Prize. It allows companies to outsource digital tasks that cannot be performed by the AI. The HITers community is made up of African women who want to add a supplement to their income to finance a personal project. One example among many that technology is working to create a better society tomorrow.

Source of the article: Usbek & Rica.

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